This is just a very short post to document my port of this excellent blog solution. Before you continue reading, you should read that other one first as I won't repeat all the relevant info here. In particular, you need to set up a Circle CI context containing your credentials.
Re-frame subscriptions and events are like very loosely defined function calls. There's a contract there between the sender and the receiver, but it's implicit. The sender makes sure there are 3 items in the vector. The receiver destructures naively, expecting exactly 3 items.
I wrote a blog post about this subject a couple of years ago and a lot of people read it. Unfortunately it contains some advice that has been proven wrong/not optimal. The re-frame explanation of this concept is nice and understandable, but I wanted to make an interactive example so it's even clearer.
The controller rules, taken from keechma, are centered around pure route data. That's really powerful, as you can use mostly plain Clojure to get what you want from your controllers. Often the solution is dead simple, but it's not always easy to spot. This is a guide to the most useful tricks, it will be expanded as new ones appear!
Most developers will claim that TDD is part of their daily routine. But most of us fail to mention our actual favorite methodology, SDD.
Stackoverflow Driven Development is a very good thing. Sharing knowledge and experience moves everything forward, and we should keep going. But some issues are too large or too important to quick-fix through an upvoted stackoverflow answer. The "best practice" might not be the best for you.