I wrote a blog post about this subject a couple of years ago and a lot of people read it. Unfortunately it contains some advice that has been proven wrong/not optimal. The re-frame explanation of this concept is nice and understandable, but I wanted to make an interactive example so it's even clearer.
We'll be purely practical in this walkthrough, so let's get right to it.
(require '[reagent.core :as r])
(require '[cljsjs.highcharts])
We'll use a regular reagent atom as our mutable data container. It could be anything with a "ratom" behaviour, like a re-frame subscription. This reference will hold the configuration and data for the chart.
(def config-atom (r/atom nil))
Now for the interesting bit. The trick here, as described in the re-frame docs, is to split the integration in two.
For this example the mount-chart
and update-chart
functions are identical. In less trivial cases they are likely different, and you probably want to call the update-chart
function at the end of your mount-chart
(defn mount-chart [comp]
(.chart js/Highcharts (r/dom-node comp) (clj->js (r/props comp))))
(defn update-chart [comp]
(mount-chart comp))
(defn chart-inner []
{:component-did-mount mount-chart
:component-did-update update-chart
:reagent-render (fn [comp] [:div])}))
This one handles the mutable state from the clojurescript side. Dereference the atom/subscription/reaction and pass the necessary information on to the inner component. The inner component will re-render on changes to these props, giving us the behaviour we want.
(defn chart-outer [config]
[chart-inner @config])
The following renders a simple chart below. Feel free to play around with the config to see what happens!
(reset! config-atom {:chart {:type :bar}
:title {:text "Chart title here"}
:xAxis {:categories ["Apples", "Bananas", "Oranges"]}
:yAxis {:title {:text "Fruit eaten"}}
:series [{:name "Jane" :data [1, 0, 4]}
{:name "John" :data [5, 7, 3]}]})
[chart-outer config-atom]