You are here, so you probably heard about the kee-frame framework. It's built on re-frame, and should be easy to learn. Let's see if that's true! If you want to see the full context for the code samples in this tutorial, they're all part of the kee-frame demo app
If you're starting a brand new project, I would recommend using a lein template, like this:
lein new re-frame <your-project-name>
Once you have a working re-frame project, just add kee-frame as a dependency to your project:
[kee-frame "0.2.7"]
Now run lein figwheel
and we're good to go.
The start!
function hooks everything up, including routing, spec-validation, debug logging, initial db and rendering .
(require '[kee-frame.core :as k])
(def routes ["" {"/" :live
["/league/" :id "/" :tab] :league}])
(def initial-db {:leagues nil})
(s/def ::league (s/keys :req-un [::caption ::id]))
(s/def ::leagues (s/nilable (s/coll-of ::league)))
(s/def ::db-spec (s/keys :req-un [::leagues]))
(k/start! {:debug? true
:routes routes
:initial-db initial-db
:root-component [main-panel]
:app-db-spec ::db-spec})
After running start!
, we're ready to play with controllers. This one will dispatch the event [:league/load 3]
when we're at the url /league/3
(reg-controller :league
{:params (fn [{:keys [handler route-params]}]
(when (= handler :league)
(:id route-params)))
:start [:league/load]}) ;; Start can be either a function returning an event vector or just an event vector directly
The next controller starts and stops a polling loop when we enter and leave the live page.
(reg-controller :live-polling
{:params (fn [{:keys [handler]}]
(when (= handler :live) true))
:start [:live/start]
:stop [:live/stop]})
Chains are just regular re-frame FX events that are chained together by the framework. Let's first have a look at a very typical pair of events loading some data over HTTP:
(reg-event-fx :leagues/load
(fn [_ _]
{:http-xhrio {:uri ""
:on-success [:leagues/load-1]}}))
(reg-event-fx :leagues/load-1
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ leagues]]
{:db (assoc db :leagues (filter (comp whitelist :id) leagues))}))
The exact same events can be created with chains like this:
(reg-chain :leagues/load
(fn [_ _]
{:http-xhrio {:uri ""}})
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ leagues]]
{:db (assoc db :leagues (filter (comp whitelist :id) leagues))}))
Trigger a browser navigation to the URL /league/3/table
(reg-event-fx :leagues/select
(fn [_ [league-id]]
{:navigate-to [:league :id league-id :tab :table]}))
Generate a good old href from plain data:
[:a.nav-link {:href (k/path-for [:league :id 3 :tab :fixtures])} "Latest results"]
Render different views depending on what URL you're on
[k/switch-route (fn [route-data] (:handler route-data))
:league [league/league-dispatch]
:live [live/live]
nil [:div "Loading..."]]
That should cover most of the API for kee-frame. There are of course more details, head over to the project page to learn more!