> What's the point in using ClojureScript with Om/Reagent/Rum/Quiescent instead of plain ReactJS? Is it better or is it just different?
This excellent question was asked on [reddit] some time ago. Many commented, most of them seem to not have read the question. I would like to try to answer it in this post. It will be superficial, but hopefully entertaining and informative!
We'll be comparing ReactJS/JSX (JavaScript) with [Reagent] (ClojureScript ReactJS wrapper). I'll use the official ReactJS [tutorial] as my example, exploring the differences.
I've tried to keep the code as equal as possible between the languages.
The app we're making is a Tic-tac-toe game. The most basic building block for this game will be the square
component, representing one clickable square on the board.
const Square = (props) =>
<button className="square" onClick={props.onClick}>
(defn square [value on-click]
[:button.square {:on-click on-click}
Clojure is without doubt a more concise language than JS. It also has a very neat standard for representing markup, called Hiccup. Here's the complete Hiccup syntax guide:
[:tagname#elementId.cssClassName {:some "attribute"} child-content-here]
What you see is immutable Clojure data structures. Your markup is literally data that will be converted to React components later on. But right now it's data, which is a much bigger deal than you might think.
In the opposite corner our React square has some proprietary properties:
to className
for putting dynamic content in markupSome people love JSX, others don't. The code formatter on this blog clearly doesn't. I won't get into that discussion, there's a more interesting point to make: JSX produces function calls, Reagent produces data. More on that later.
When you click on a square, our handler is called. I modified the official example slightly, putting the side effect free code in a [pure function].
function makeMove(state, i) {
if (state.squares[i]) {
return state;
else {
const squares = state.squares.slice();
squares[i] = state.xIsNext ? 'X' : 'O';
return {squares: squares,
xIsNext: !this.state.xIsNext}
handleClick(i) {
this.setState(makeMove(this.state, i));
(defn make-move [state i]
(if (-> state :squares (get i))
(-> state
(assoc-in [:squares i] (if (:x-is-next state) "X" "O"))
(update-in [:x-is-next] not))))
(defn handle-click [i]
(swap! state make-move i))
The Javascript code listed above is written with immutability in mind, because the React developers see the value of promoting that style. But functional programming in Javascript requires knowledge and discipline. Like applying the little slice()
copy trick in makeMove
In Clojure, immutability is the default. In my opinion that's the steepest learning curve of the language, not the syntax. If you spent your life mutating variables to get stuff done, programming without mutation is like eating soup with a fork. But once you're in, you desperately don't want to go back.
The main render function connects the smaller parts into a whole. As you can see below, most of the differences have already been covered. Please review for yourself the pros and cons of each approach:
JSX render function
render() {
let status = "Next player: ${this.state.xIsNext ? 'X' : 'O'}";
return (
<div className="status">{status}</div>
<div className="board-row"> {[0,1,2].map ((i) => this.renderSquare(i))} </div>
<div className="board-row"> {[3,4,5].map ((i) => this.renderSquare(i))} </div>
<div className="board-row"> {[6,7,8].map ((i) => this.renderSquare(i))} </div>
<button onClick= {() => this.reset()}> Reset </button>
Reagent render function
(defn render [state]
(let [square (partial square state)]
[:div.status "Next player " (if (:x-is-next @state) "X" "O")]
[:div.board-row (doall (map square [0 1 2]))]
[:div.board-row (doall (map square [3 4 5]))]
[:div.board-row (doall (map square [6 7 8]))]
[:button {:on-click #(reset! state (vanilla-state))} "Reset game!"]]))
Hopefully I managed to show you a few things that Reagent brings to the table:
But the thing that fundamentally separates it from React/JSX is the data focus.
.The former is opaque, hard to inspect at runtime. The latter is highly transparent, and easily inspectable in more than one way.
Your app is declared using nothing but pure data, using nothing but plain functions to manipulate the data. The very rich Clojure standard library with functions like map
, filter
and reduce
at your disposal, without any funky new syntax to learn.